Impact Area

Strong Families


Young children develop in the context of their families, where stability, safety, and supportive relationships nurture their growth.

Key Findings

households with babies are experiencing poverty.
0 in 5

Babies in families with low income are more likely than their peers to experience housing instability, live in unsafe neighborhoods, and have at least one adverse childhood experience during their critical first three years.

The State of Babies

The state where a child is born and lives during their first three years makes a big difference in their chance for a strong start in life. See how your state stacks up—and view where significant disparities exist in the opportunities available for babies.

State Policy Initiatives

Learn how states are improving outcomes for babies by searching ZERO TO THREE’s collection of articles highlighting innovative state policies and initiatives, searchable by issue area or state.

Read the latest on

Strong Families

The Strong Families domain examines indicators addressing basic needs, family resilience and the extent to which infants and toddlers experienced adverse events or maltreatment; child welfare, home visiting, and family-supportive policies.


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This indicator does not factor into the category's GROW ranking.